Here are 10 tips for keeping rabbits cool during the summer
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10 Tips to Keeping Rabbits Cool in the Summer

Learn how to keep outdoor rabbits cool during the warmer months. Here are 10 tips to keeping rabbits cool throughout the summer. Prior to moving to Tennessee we rarely worried about how to keep our outdoor rabbits cool during the summer months. Our Pacific Northwest homestead in the mountains provided our rabbitry enough shade and…

Steps for Canning Bone Broth and Stock
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Steps for Canning Bone Broth and Stock

Steps for canning bone broth are easy, however, there are steps which must be taken to ensure that canning any form of broth or stock is done properly. For example, pressure canning bone broth or stock is only way to preserve homemade broth for long-term storage. Prior to homesteading and sustainable living I spent an…

5 Tips for Creating a Homestead
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5 Tips for Creating a Homestead

Homesteading for beginners requires creating a homestead based on reasonable goals. Often this means reaching out to the homestead community near you. Fellow farmers and homesteaders will help you to establish homesteading goals and plans for your area based on their experience. Listen to the Podcast Here! This m4a audio file was automatically transcribed by…

How to Can Soup and Stews | 16 Tips you Must Know

How to Can Soup and Stews | 16 Tips you Must Know

Canning homemade soups and stews is an easy process with the use of a pressure canner. Learn how to correctly can soups and stews with these 5 easy tips. Pre-homesteading, pre-food preserving, pre-clean eating and healthy options, pre-sustainable living, I purchased canned soups and stews from the supermarket. It was easy, it was convenient, and…