My book, The Farm Girl's Guide to Preserving the Harvest, on a wooden floor.

This Happens Once a Year

Because of the type of life I live, I live for Black Friday sales, and sadly, this happens once a year. This is the one time a year in which I can grab items for my homestead while saving money. A homesteading life is one of frugality and that is nothing to be ashamed about. With that said, take advantage of the companies I stand behind they are very worth it!

My book, The Farm Girl's Guide to Preserving the Harvest, on a wooden floor is one sale and this happens once a year.

The items listed here are things we use and truly believe in. If you’ve been waiting for them to go on sale, well, you’ll have to wait no longer! If you have any question in regards to anything on the list prior to making a purchase, shoot me an email. I’d be happy to tell you how useful the items are.

My Online Store

For items I use in the kitchen, for preserving, and around the homestead take a look at my online store. Again, these are items which we use on a regular basis and have found to be essential to the life we live. Here’s a peek of what you can find in my online shop –

  • my dehydrator of choice
  • fermenting items used
  • must have kitchen items
  • canning tools and supplies
  • and much more

Garden Necessities & Tools

Justin and I have begun purchasing necessary items for the garden, and since there is no garden in place we’ve relied on Hoss Tools for much of our needs. I met this group at the 2021 Homesteaders of America conference and they know their stuff and they are a good group of people.

If you have been following me for some time then you know how much I love my Greenstalk Garden tower. This vertical garden is ideal for those with large gardens as well as with those who live in a townhouse. Just so you know, their NEW 7 tier tower is regularly $170 BUT is on sale for $116, AND you receive an additional 10% off when you use the code, farmgirl13, at checkout. They have multiple tower sizes (on sale) and you do not want to miss out on this! Enjoy this great sale as this happens once a year!

Seeds and Such

Everyone has their favorite seed company, but I have a few you might consider trying out –

  • Botanical Interest (I have been using their seeds for the past 7 years and love this company)
  • Pine Tree Garden Seeds
  • Territorial Seeds

Have Clean Water All. The. Time.

A new Berkey Waterer has been ordered for the farmhouse. I am still sad that we’ve left the some of the best spring water in the country behind, but at least now we have a nice 2.5 gallon Berkey on hand! I also ordered a few emergency items from their website as well, hey, you never know when you’ll need to be prepared. If you are considering a Berkey grab it now, this happens once a year.

The Farm Girl’s Signature Collection – Apparel

My apparel collection is only available twice a year, and now is the time of year to grab something for yourself or someone else! A Farm Girl in the Making has never been just about me, but you as well. For the next two weeks you will have the opportunity to grab something from my apparel shop at a discounted price. If you miss out on this don’t worry, the shop will remain open through the new year. You’ll not want to miss out!

Hello Spring Pollinator

Mason bees are an incredible spring pollinator and ideal for fruit trees. These hard workers do not provide honey or sting, but they will work exceptionally hard to ensure your fruit trees have been pollinated. Kind Bee Farms is a family owned small business that raises not only mason bees but also leaf cutter bees (summer bee pollinators that do not produce honey). In addition to bees they also carry all the necessary supplies you’ll need. Receive 10% off your Kind Bee Farms order when you use the code instabee at checkout.

Live a Holistic Life – Medicinal Herbs & Supplies

Aside from food ownership, learning how to live a holistic life is essential. For dried herbs, roots, and spices that I am unable to grow, I rely on Starwest Botanical to fill my apothecary. What’s nice is they also carry supplies to make tinctures, salves, and much, much more.

The Grandest Preserving Tool of All Time

If you’ve ever wondered if a freeze dryer is worth the investment I’ll tell you, heck yes it is. We’ve owned our Harvest Right freeze dryer for 3 years, and in that time we have been able to preserve foods for later eating and long-term storage. Items which have been freeze dried can be stored between 10 to 25 years.

No Broody Hen? No Problem!

Whether you intend to hatch eggs or not an incubator is necessary for homesteaders. I’ve been left with a few eggs in the nest when a broody decided she was done, so into the incubator and heating plate they went. Brinsea Incubators have graced our homestead for many years, and the incubators have hatched many birds – from chickens to guineas, ducks to geese, and of course quail. Receive 10% off your Brinsea purchase when you use the code afarmgirlitm at checkout.

Support a Family Owned Business Which is 104 Years Old

My hatchery of choice is without a doubt McMurray Hatchery. There’s something about a small family owned business that’s been been around for 104 years (changing hands only twice in that time) that keeps me coming back. They are offering a Black Friday Sale on all of their winter coop accessories, and it’s worth checking out!

It’s All in the Salt

If you follow me on social media, then you know I’m a salt snob who loves the fact that 1 type of salt can be used for all of your cooking and preserving needs (canning, fermenting, curing), in the garden, for your livestock, and a must have for your personal hygiene (try their earth powder, it’s a must have). Redmond Real Salt is having a great sale on everything on their website. Their food grade salt is delicious, but I’m going to encourage you to explore their website a bit.

The Sustainable Canning Course

This year I am offering my canning course, The Sustainable Canning Course, as part of my Black Friday Sale! This sale ends Monday at midnight.

The canning course covers everything you’ll need to know about:

  • hot water bath canning
  • steam canning
  • steam juicing
  • pressure canning
  • the balance between scientific and traditional preserving methods

It’s time to put your fears aside and own your food source! Allow me to get you to where you need to be.

Grab the Sustainable Canning Course for $99.00 a total savings of over $50! 

**Be sure to use code BLACKFRIDAY2021 at checkout for the discount**

The Sustainable Garden Workbook & The Pantry Organization Workbook

You can grab both my Sustainable Garden Workbook & Pantry Organization Workbook at 50% off now through Monday. The workbooks are designed to guide you into thinking and living as a sustainable homesteader would.

Printable Planners for Your Homestead

Mama on the Homestead is having a 30% off sale this Saturday and Sunday on ALL of the products in her shop! You can find planners and record keeping books for the garden, livestock, homestead finances, homestead goals & projects, and more!

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