Simple Living | Tips to Decluttering Your Home
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Simple Living | Tips to Decluttering Your Home

Simple living, especially in a small home, is necessary. Purging is essential to creating a space which is organized, clean, and comfortable. The thought of purging is delightful to many; however, many find it to be a struggle. How does one let go of sentimental items in order to make small space living doable? And…

the making of a farm girl in the making

The Making of A Farm Girl In The Making

Naming your homestead can be a pretty big decision and much consideration is needed for the perfect name.  For some (oh, let’s say us) a homestead may not have a name.  I know, don’t be to shocked!  Our homestead is simply known as A Farm Girl In The Making, and though it may not actually be a proper name, it’s who we are.  The story…

be thankful for a homesteading community
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Thankful For A Homesteading Community

When you belong to a community it’s truly an amazing feeling, regardless of what type of community it may be.  But let me tell you, I couldn’t be more thankful for a homesteading community….they get me. If you’re lucky enough to have access to this type of community embrace it.  I mean really EMBRACE it.  Ask questions, seek guidance, shop,…

homesteading with livestock - births, illnesses and death
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Homesteading With Livestock – Births, Illnesses and Death

There’s gonna come a time when your homesteading journey will be tested, and sadly we recently hit that point.  Our homestead, and it’s people, were suffering and it truly had me wondering if this is the life I was prepared for.  The tears outweighed the smiles, my love for being with the livestock became a heavy burden and I…

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The World Of Junkin’, Crafting, And Antiquing

Junkin’, crafting, and antiquing….one of the most enjoyable pastimes around.  Okay, maybe it’s one of the most enjoyable pastimes for me, but I guess I should realize it may not be for all.  It takes a special individual to appreciate the life of junkin’, they have to be able to look at something old, used, or…


Exploring Restoration Shops Of Seattle

We love an adventure and this time it took us to exploring restoration shops of Seattle.  The opportunity to enter a shop that sells items from torn down homes and building of years long gone does something to the soul and the imagination. When entering the shop you instantly leave the modern world behind and step back into history, and if you…


Maintaining A Healthy Balance While Homesteading

We were recently asked how we maintaining a healthy balance while homesteading, and I actually had to stop and think about it for a moment.  What is second nature to us may seem overwhelming to those looking to begin this life, and to boot we are modern day homesteaders – we both have jobs, we have two…


Can Your Homestead Run In Your Absence?

Can your homestead run in your absence? I had a medical emergency recently which called for a trip to the hospital for 2 days, in turn meant my farm guy was there with me. That’s when I quickly realized that we were not set up for such situations. Luckily we were close to the property, and my husband could easily return…