Spring on the Homestead
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Spring on the Homestead | EPISODE 8

Spring on the homestead means many things to many people. For homesteaders it means preparing for livestock births, waking-up the garden, preserving the Spring harvest, and planning for bigger (and better) opportunities. But more importantly, it mean growth.

Spring on the Homestead

Homesteading is about evolving. Growing. Making something better than it once was. At times homesteading is about revisiting things which once worked in order to make it better.

With the each Spring comes new hope and different dreams. Not to mention, change. Lots of change. Just so we’re clear, change is good and very welcoming. In Spring we have a chance to have do-overs and I for one will take advantage of this.

Spring 2020 is a season we’ll never forget. So much has been learned during this time, and I for one will forever be appreciative for being able to own my food source.

Spring on the Homestead – The Garden and Raising Livestock

On this week’s podcast I recap the month of April and what we’re planning for May. And let me tell you, May is shaping up to be a good month!

The garden received an overall with a complete new layout. And trust me, it was needed. The kids are growing and with this comes new likes and dislikes for what they want to consume.

New food items were added, whereas, some will not be grown again. And you know what, that’s completely okay.

On episode 8 of my podcast, Simple Homesteading Life, I give you the good, bad, and the uncompleted tasks from April. It’s was a busy month, but a great one nonetheless.

Episode 8 | Spring on the Homestead – End of the Month Recap, April 2020

Aside from the garden the type of livestock we opt to raise on the property has changed. The family is growing, which means more meat needs to added to the freezer. The Welsh Harlequin have been phased out and replaced with larger duck breeds.

New meat rabbits will be added to the existing herd. The American Chinchilla family is growing, and we couldn’t be happier

The month of April ends with the first round of meat birds being butchered, and for that we could not be more thankful.

April Preserving

Because the garden is not mature enough to give us food quite yet we have put up very little in April.

The kale is coming in strong which has allowed me to ferment our favorite kraut. Smoked kale kraut will feed us as we wait for the rest of the Spring garden to mature.

In addition to kraut I have been able to can a few jars of pickled snap peas. Which, by the way, is an excellent snack item and will be gone before Summer begins. Thankfully I planned to sow another round of sugar and snap peas.

The older heads of garlic have been dehydrated to make garlic power, and the onions have also been transformed into onion powder.

The only thing waiting to be harvested is the rhubarb. Oh, that delicious, tart stalk will be frozen and enjoyed well into the winter months.

Spring on the Homestead – Ongoing Construction

Much like any homestead there is always ongoing projecting happening. And now that the weather is changing it’s time to get these projects started!

The rotted back deck will be removed and in its place will be the new kitchen garden. Herbs, onions, carrots, cabbage, and beautiful perennial flowers will grace this small garden space.

Oh, but that’s not all! The lower lot will FINALLY be cleared and the electric fencing will be going up. What does this mean for the livestock we raise? A lot, and trust me when I say, this is good for them!

Stay in Touch

We are committed to recapping each month on our podcast, Simple Homesteading Life. Come join us as we share the happenings on the homestead, I hope you’ll join us there!

spring on the homestead

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