homemade goat electrolyte
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Homemade Goat Electrolyte

A homemade goat electrolyte helps to replenish lost liquid when scours in goats occur. This natural goat electrolyte is ideal as a goat diarrhea treatment.

Goat eating out of hanging feeder

It always happens when you least expect it. And no matter how prepared you are there will always be something missing in the livestock medical kit.

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Keeping goats hydrated during a time of illness is necessary. Especially if a herd member comes down with a case of scours.

Luckily, items like a natural goat electrolyte or a teat spray can easily be made at home with just a few items from the pantry or medicine cabinet. These DIY items are chemical free and contain no unnecessary items or preservatives.

The Cause of Scours in Goats

There are many reasons as to why a goat comes down with a case of scours (diarrhea). And with goats, it could be one or more of the reasons listed below.

  • stress
  • excessive worm load
  • sudden change in feed or hay
  • reaction to medicine
  • consuming excessive amounts of grains
  • consuming vegetation that is not easily digestible
  • the worse case scenario, an unknown illness

In truth, it is a guessing game as to what brought on this case of scours. The best thing to do is to stay on top of it as best as you can. More times than not, a bout of diarrhea will clear up on it’s own. That is, if the case is mild enough.

Mild Cases

A goat which is healthy in appearance, still eating and drinking, and shows no signs of being anemic or weak will need to be monitored. Offering a homemade goat electrolyte will ensure a animal stays hydrated during this uncomfortable time. 

goat diarrhea treatment | goat looking at feed bowl

Severe Cases

Whereas a goat who shows intense signs of being ill (anemic, lethargic, not eating or drinking, fever, severe case of scours) could very well have one or more of the following conditions.

  • Coccidiosis
  • Worms
  • Infection (internal or external)

If this is the case you have a few options. The first, gather a sample of your goat’s stool to be tested by your livestock vet. This will help determine the best course of action to take.

Though, worming your goats yourself is also an option. However, you must know what type of worm you’re dealing with in order to select the best type of wormer to offer. 

In the meantime, address the scours and keep the herd member hydrated with this homemade goat electrolyte.

A Natural Goat Electrolyte

Upon the first sign of scours, a goat diarrhea treatment will need to be offered. Diarrhea depletes the body of liquid and energy. Most keepers will offer a powder electrolyte found at the feed store. However, a more natural option is available.

And let me add, this natural goat electrolyte consists of 4 natural ingredients which are found within the pantry.

A goat diarrhea treatment should not only consist of an homemade electrolyte, but also a probiotic. The gut flora of the animal will need to be built up due to the damage scours can cause.

Offer fermented foods such as pickled items, plain water kefir, and kombucha a few times a day. Even unpasteurized raw apple cider vinegar in the water works.

An over the counter product known as Probios also works and is available in a powder or ready to dispense tube.

Homemade Goat Electrolyte – Ingredients

This electrolyte recipe will only take minutes to whip up, and costs less than a half dollar to make. Keep in mind, this natural electrolyte does not contain a preservative. Store in the refrigerator and discard after 1 week.

  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 2 teaspoon salt (we use fine sea salt)
  • 1/2-cup molasses or raw honey 
  • 4 quarts of warm water


A drenching syringe is a necessary item for those who raise large livestock.   This tool is designed to dispense liquid and medicines.

Homemade Goat Electrolytes – Instructions

  1. Add all ingredients into the 1/2-gallon Mason jar, mix until all ingredients have dissolved.
  2. Fill the drenching syringe until full, provide to the goat immediately. Continue to drench the goat as often as possible.


In a 12 hour period, drench a minimum of every 2 hours, utilizing up to 4 quarts of this homemade goat electrolytes recipe. However, if time allows, feel free to drench the sick goat with a homemade electrolyte as often as possible.

In addition to offering the natural goat electrolyte, slowly reintroduce healthy bacteria to the rumen with the fermented foods and drinks mentioned above.

How to Dispense a Homemade Goat Electrolyte

Goats are not calm, trusting animals by nature. They have a sense that something out of the normal is about to happen, and their guard is heightened. Making drenching a difficult experience for both goat and keeper.

It is easiest to drench a goat with the help of another individual. However, a DIY milk stand can also be used for circumstances such as this. If a milking stand is unavailable, refer to plan B.

Guide the goat to the corner of the barn or stall, this will prevent the goat from backing away from you. Next, pin the goat between the wall and yourself, put your body weight into the goat to prevent it from escaping. 

  1. With one hand hold under the mouth and lift the head.
  2. Gently pry open the mouth.
  3. Insert the drenching syringe toward the back of the mouth.
  4. In order to prevent choking, slowly release the goat electrolyte from the drenching syringe.

Do not dispense goats which are down and unresponsive, or are incapable of swallowing the homemade goat electrolyte on. Immediately consult a veterinarian.

A homemade goat electrolyte is provided to help hydrate your animal in a pinch, and should never replace veterinarian care.

It is also very important to give copper bolus to your goats regularly. Read more about that here.

Yield: 4 Quarts

Homemade Goat Electrolyte for Emergency Situations

homemade goat electrolyte

A homemade goat electrolyte helps to replenish lost liquid when scours in goats occur. This natural goat electrolyte is ideal as a goat diarrhea treatment.



  1. Add all ingredients into the 1-gallon Mason jar, mix until all ingredients have dissolved.
  2. Fill the drenching syringe until full, provide to the goat immediately. Continue to drench until veterinarian care arrives.



  • 1 gallon Mason Jar

  • drenching syringe, 50 cc

  • Mixing Spoon

Drench 4 quarts every 2 hours for 12 hours.  In addition to electrolyte, provided fermented drink or food, or Probios, every 4 hours for the rest of the day, and a few days to follow to reintroduce good bacteria to the ruminants. 

Do not administer homemade goat electrolyte to an animal which is down. 

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1 grams

Amount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g

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Please note, I am not a veterinarian, and am providing information based on how we treated our goat herd. 

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    1. If you’re looking to stop scours I would use the slippery elm separately. This electrolyte can be given often as needed to help rehydrate. I would suggest using the slippery elm to stop scou separately. You can also provide blackberry leaves for scour. I am not sure, and maybe you can educate me, as to why comfrey for dehydration or scour?

  1. What about a week (7 days exactly) old baby goat? I’m new to goats & my doe had triplets. She seems to be mildly bloated. Still active, still pooping & peeing. Its VERY slight but she refused a feeding & then the last feeding she only wanted 2 ounces. Shes been regularly drinking 3.5 ounces. She drinks, takes a break, then drinks again & that was when I normally stop feeding her. Almost always it’s 3.5. It was at this time I began trying to find the cause & bloat came up. The worst part is my husband is out of town, my wallet is in his car…. I’m not sure what to do! Any help much appreciated.

    1. For minor cases, baking soda will help to induce burbing regardless of the goats age, inducing burping by tapping the right side will help as well.

  2. I recently got some kids all about 3 weeks old. They are on milk replace and ate grazing and starting on grain and goat minerals. 2 of the kids have had some loose pop but ate drinking well and active. Should I just watch them or should I worry ?

    1. Loose stool can be cause for anything. I would definitely watch them, and if scours occurs contact your vet asap.

  3. Cannot thank you enough for this electrolyte recipe. One of our 4H baby goat had diarrhea yesterday morning. We are in a heat wave and it’s been over 100* for two weeks so we think he wasn’t drinking enough water to stay hydrated. Mixed up this recipe and put it bucket down and all three babies drank and drank. His diarrhea is gone and he’s feeling good. Gave them another bucket this morning and he was the first one over to drink. In fact when the bucket was empty he picked it up and took off with it! Thank you again for sharing this! ❤️

  4. God bless you for this simple recipe. My goat was almost killed by my neighbors dog about 36 hrs ago, he is torn up badly and cannot stand yet, and he hasn’t drank anything except the water I’ve forced into him with a syringe, just no interest in drinking, but I knew it wasn’t enough. He loves this mixture! He drank about a litre immediately. Thank you for sharing. You just saved his life.

    1. I am so thankful he is doing better! Also, consider giving him B12, this will help him as well.

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