Healing Plants: A Beginner’s Guide to Using Plants for Natural Remedies

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We all know that nature holds many secrets.  Since ancient times, man has learned many of them.   Among the useful ones, were those related to how wild plants could heal or even cure disease or suffering.   Many of the chemicals present in those wild plants are now used in many of our modern medicines, so cures discovered by our ancestors are still indirectly used today. 

This book is an introduction to the many beneficial plants used for healing and health purposes. If you are curious about how plants can help you to get on the road to a healthier lifestyle, you will be truly intrigued by this book. You will find within, a list of herbs and plants that really work. Just read about the various plants to find out more about them and their healing effects.  Recipes, remedies and traditional folklore about each healing plant will inspire the reader further.