Preserving Smoked Garlic Bulbs for Cooking
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Preserving Smoked Garlic Bulbs for Cooking

Preserving smoked garlic is an easy to process, requiring three simple items – garlic, wood chips or pellets, and a smoker. Smoked garlic bulbs bring flavor to all recipes which call for garlic, turning a simple dish into one with extraordinaire flavor. The idea of smoking garlic is so simple people overlook it. Use the…

Corned Beef Brisket from Scratch | Nitrate Free
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Corned Beef Brisket from Scratch | Nitrate Free

Corned beef brisket made without nitrates is a meal your family will come to love! This recipe consists of a handful of herbs, spices, Kosher salt and a natural sweetener. Taking only 7 to 10 days to brine, this is an easy to make recipe for those who are new to curing their own meat!…