Homesteading YouTube videos are excellent tutorials for those who are visual learners. Join us as we provide tutorials, vlogs, and LIVE streams on all things related to homesteading. Through these homesteading videos you will learn the joy of reclaiming a life which our grandparents once talked about.

homesteading videos

Join us as we infuse the written work of our website with homesteading YouTube videos.

Homesteading is work. Not just physical work, but also mental work. This life takes years to get right, and even then it’s never perfect.

As Justin and I recap each year we realize there have been many projects which should have been done differently. But in truth, the mistakes made have taught us a thing or two.

For these reasons we opted to enter the world of YouTube. An new channel in which we can document our journey.

Homesteading Videos

There’s something amazing about video. The ability to view how things are accomplished is encouraging to many.

What can you expect from our homesteading videos? A little of everything homestead-y-ish. This is a word, by the way.

Find us on YouTube at, A Farm Girl in the Making. I can’t promise you’ll learn something new, but I can promise that our perspective on living a simple life will encourage you along your journey.

Preserving the Harvest

In partnership with my book, The Farm Girl’s Guide to Preserving the Harvest, and website, tutorials will be made on various methods of home food preservation.

Learn how to efficiently maximize the garden’s yield. From canning to drying the garden’s goodness. The lost art of fermentation to curing foods long-term storage. But more importantly, I’ll share our family’s favorite homemade meals and how to cook from the pantry.

Follow along and pick-up tips such as, the top 4 canning tools for the modern homesteader. Or learn the best practice for how to properly preserve tomatoes.

Allow me to help you put-up enough food to last an entire year.

Raising Livestock

Whether you’re keeping backyard chickens or raising poultry for meat, you’ll learn how we manage both on a small acre homestead.

Join us as we share our method for raising working goats and rabbits for meat. But more importantly, see how we raise these animals in the wettest part of the US.

Questions about raising ducks and turkeys? We’ll talk about raising broiler breeds, as well as, heritage breeds.

The Garden’s Goodness

The hardest part of homesteading? The garden.

Join us as we celebrate the successes and failures which come out of growing food. Discover our tips, tricks, and DIYs on maintaining a garden in the mountains.

We’ll talk about the two things which make-up a successful garden, learn what foods to grow in season and succession planting.

Additionally, come see what we plant and why we chose to grow it. Everything is planted with intention. Vegetables which are planted for long-term storage are as important as what is eaten in season.

Our Homesteading YouTube Videos

This is our norm. Allow us share it with you.

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