
Pros And Cons Of Free Range Poultry

When we started homesteading on two acres we realized that allowing our flocks the ability to free ranging was the best choice for us.  I envisioned happy chicken walking around consuming grass, dandelions, and bugs of all sorts – laying the most delicious eggs in our area.  In the course of the last two years we quickly discovered the pros and…


Exploring Restoration Shops Of Seattle

We love an adventure and this time it took us to exploring restoration shops of Seattle.  The opportunity to enter a shop that sells items from torn down homes and building of years long gone does something to the soul and the imagination. When entering the shop you instantly leave the modern world behind and step back into history, and if you…


Maintaining A Healthy Balance While Homesteading

We were recently asked how we maintaining a healthy balance while homesteading, and I actually had to stop and think about it for a moment.  What is second nature to us may seem overwhelming to those looking to begin this life, and to boot we are modern day homesteaders – we both have jobs, we have two…


How To Remove A Chicken’s Comb

Remove chicken’s comb….really?  Did you ever think you’d be asking, or googling, maybe phone friend, OR private messaging your favorite chicken keeper with that question?! Well, leave it to us, if anything is going to happen in this magnitude it’s going to happen to us. And of course with my all time favorite hen, Buffette…


Can Your Homestead Run In Your Absence?

Can your homestead run in your absence? I had a medical emergency recently which called for a trip to the hospital for 2 days, in turn meant my farm guy was there with me. That’s when I quickly realized that we were not set up for such situations. Luckily we were close to the property, and my husband could easily return…


Gift Wrapping Using Recycled Paper

One definition of a homesteader is an individual who reuse and recycle as often as they can, creating little to no waste.  What better way to execute this lifestyle than gift wrapping using recycled paper? There are three items that make gift wrapping easy, and usually these are items that you have in your home; newspaper, grocery or store ads, and brown…

How to Beat Coccidiosis

How to Beat Coccidiosis | Keep a Healthy Flock

Keep a healthy flock of backyard chickens by learning how to beat coccidiosis. Coccidiosis in chickens, other poultry, and livestock is extremely deadly. By establishing a strong natural preventative plan, solid bio-security measures, and knowing what to offer as a coccidiosis treatment can save the lives of your flock. How to Beat Coccidiosis by Knowing…