Search Results for: meat rabbits

Housing Meat Rabbits | Rabbit Housing Options
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Housing Meat Rabbits | Rabbit Housing Options

Choose the best method for housing meat rabbits. Housing consisting of hanging cages, a rabbit colony, and stackable meat rabbit cages are ideal. Which method to choose will depend on the space available for raising rabbits. The decision to raise rabbits for meat is never a light one to make. The general public does not…

Raising Meat Rabbits | Breeds, Feed, Housing
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Raising Meat Rabbits | Breeds, Feed, Housing

Raising meat rabbits is a big decision for many homesteaders. Learn about heritage meat rabbit breeds and whether raising rabbits is worth the investment and time. But to others, raising rabbits as a sustainable food source is an ideal source of protein. Not to mention, rabbits are extremely easy to raise. Most cities and counties…

Here are 10 tips for keeping rabbits cool during the summer
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10 Tips to Keeping Rabbits Cool in the Summer

Learn how to keep outdoor rabbits cool during the warmer months. Here are 10 tips to keeping rabbits cool throughout the summer. Prior to moving to Tennessee we rarely worried about how to keep our outdoor rabbits cool during the summer months. Our Pacific Northwest homestead in the mountains provided our rabbitry enough shade and…

Choosing a Meat Rabbit Breed | 14 Best Meat Options

Choosing a Meat Rabbit Breed | 14 Best Meat Options

Choosing a good meat rabbit breed is key to ensuring a good meat to bone ratio is achieved. There are 14 rabbit breeds that are ideal for both meat and fur, and are excellent mothers which birth an abundance of kits. When we first began our homesteading journey it was quite simple – a few…

feeding rabbits naturally | reduce pellet feed
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Feeding Rabbits Naturally | Reduce Pellet Feed

Feeding rabbits naturally to reduce pellet consumption can be achieved. Take a minute each day to harvesting natural rabbit food between spring through fall from the garden and by foraging for it. Incorporate minimal amounts of fruit, flowers, and herbs also increases the levels of supplements being offered. The key to creating a balanced diet…

How to Can Soup and Stews | 16 Tips you Must Know

How to Can Soup and Stews | 16 Tips you Must Know

Canning homemade soups and stews is an easy process with the use of a pressure canner. Learn how to correctly can soups and stews with these 5 easy tips. Pre-homesteading, pre-food preserving, pre-clean eating and healthy options, pre-sustainable living, I purchased canned soups and stews from the supermarket. It was easy, it was convenient, and…

Spring on the Homestead
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Spring on the Homestead | EPISODE 8

Spring on the homestead means many things to many people. For homesteaders it means preparing for livestock births, waking-up the garden, preserving the Spring harvest, and planning for bigger (and better) opportunities. But more importantly, it mean growth. Homesteading is about evolving. Growing. Making something better than it once was. At times homesteading is about…

be thankful for a homesteading community
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Thankful For A Homesteading Community

When you belong to a community it’s truly an amazing feeling, regardless of what type of community it may be.  But let me tell you, I couldn’t be more thankful for a homesteading community….they get me. If you’re lucky enough to have access to this type of community embrace it.  I mean really EMBRACE it.  Ask questions, seek guidance, shop,…

homesteading with livestock - births, illnesses and death
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Homesteading With Livestock – Births, Illnesses and Death

There’s gonna come a time when your homesteading journey will be tested, and sadly we recently hit that point.  Our homestead, and it’s people, were suffering and it truly had me wondering if this is the life I was prepared for.  The tears outweighed the smiles, my love for being with the livestock became a heavy burden and I…